Homeowners insurance

From roof to floor, from repair to replace, from furniture to keepsakes, we can help protect your home and property. 了解为什么更多的房主选择State Farm®作为他们的家庭pp王者电子官网公司而不是任何其他pp王者电子官网公司.1
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A woman grills as her daughter plays with their dog. Green balloons are tied to the patio chair.

Home insurance that fits your needs


Homeowners coverages


Homeowners insurance coverages
一对夫妇在他们仅有两辆车的车库外种花. 同时购买房屋和汽车pp王者电子官网可以节省他们的钱.

Homeowners discounts


Home insurance and roofing discounts

Homeowners claims

向State Farm提交房主索赔既快捷又容易——即使你是数字化的.

Learn about homeowners claims

Bundle and save up to $1,2732

Save time, money and hassle by choosing to bundle the purchase of a homeowners, renters, condo, or life insurance policy with car insurance.2


What do I need to get a homeowners insurance quote?

我们可以从你已经知道的事情开始报价过程. It may take less than 10 minutes.

What to expect

  1. 提供投保房屋的财产地址、出生日期及投保开始日期
  2. 我们会搜索公共记录,这样你就不需要填写你家的详细信息了
  3. You confirm it’s your information
  4. From there, 更具体的家庭和个人信息将更好地帮助确定您的pp王者电子官网选择, deductible and policy cost

Home information

  • Number of people living in your house full-time
  • Is the house your primary home?
  • 如果房子是季节性的/次要的,则是居住的周数
  • Year built
  • Total finished square feet
  • Number of stories
  • Other structures

Your insurance history

  • 您在过去五年内的任何pp王者电子官网损失索赔
  • Name of your most recent property insurance carrier
  • Dates of when you last had coverage

Safety features you have and other factors

  • Burglar alarms
  • Fire alarms
  • Sprinkler systems
  • What’s the distance to the nearest fire service?
  • How accessible is your home to fire service?
  • 你的家在离你最近的城市的城市边界之外吗?
Artwork showing ADT.
State Farm & ADT logos

Protect your home from life's uncertainties

With an ADT® home security system, 你可以用水传感器来帮助防范潜在的风险, fire, smoke and theft. (Currently available in select states.)

State Farm & Ting logos

Protect your place from electrical fires

State Farm和Ting可以免费帮助你预防电气火灾.

Explore Ting

Frequently asked questions about homeowners insurance

法律是否要求你购买房屋pp王者电子官网因州而异. 然而,你的抵押贷款机构可能会要求一定的pp王者电子官网范围和金额,以便发放贷款.

灾害pp王者电子官网是你的房主政策的一部分,不需要单独购买. Basically, 灾害pp王者电子官网覆盖住宅从屋顶到地基, but not your home’s contents.

承保范围、免赔额和折扣可能会影响您的保单成本. Check with your State Farm agent 帮助您选择最适合您的需求和预算.

把买房和买车捆绑在一起并不是唯一省钱的办法. From home security devices to a claim-free history, 我们有折扣的选择,让更多的人负担得起pp王者电子官网.2

Explore home insurance savings

Most flood insurance is written through the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)由联邦紧急事务管理局(FEMA)管理. 你的州立农场代理人可能会帮助你获得洪水pp王者电子官网.

The ground can shake in almost any state. Do you have coverage with earthquake insurance?

基本上房主pp王者电子官网涵盖了内部和外部. Condo insurance covers your interior, not the structure. 检查你的公寓协会章程,以确定所需的覆盖类型. Ask your State Farm agent to help determine what you need.

Most homeowners policies do not cover a mobile home. They require different types of coverage. 州立农场在大多数州都提供独特的家用产品.

Get a local agent who gets you



Additional insurance options

Personal property insurance

Extra coverage for your personal property

Condo insurance

Coverage for your condominium

Pet insurance

Coverage for your pet

Rental property insurance

Coverage for your rental property

Renters insurance

Coverage for your stuff as a renter

Manufactured home insurance

Coverage for your manufactured home

Simple Insights®

Looking for help protecting your residence? You’ve come to the right place. Articles from Simple Insights draw on over 100 years of State Farm knowledge.

1 根据S提供的2020年保费数据,State Farm是美国最大的房主pp王者电子官网公司&P Global Market Intelligence.

2 根据2023年国家pp王者电子官网公司对新pg电子官方网页版进行的全国调查,每个家庭的平均年储蓄,这些pg电子官方网页版通过转投国家pp王者电子官网公司报告了储蓄. 客户可以选择只购买一种保单, 但购买两次或两次以上不同险种的折扣将不适用. 储蓄、折扣名称、百分比、可用性和资格可能因州而异.

此信息仅包含pp王者电子官网范围的一般描述,而不是合同. Details of coverage or limits vary in some states. All coverages are subject to the terms, provisions, exclusions, 以及保单本身和任何背书的条件.

家庭安全产品的折扣优惠并非在所有州都可用,可能需要符合条件的州立农场非租户房主政策. Discount offers only available in the US. 产品和服务可能由第三方提供,State Farm不保证其适销性, fitness, 或第三方产品和服务的质量. Certain restrictions apply.

State Farm Fire and Casualty Company
State Farm General Insurance Company
Bloomington, IL

State Farm Florida Insurance Company
Tallahassee, FL

State Farm Lloyds
Richardson, TX